Robin Murphy

My earliest memory of exploring the esoteric was reading about Harry Houdini and trying to hypnotize my friends at sixth grade slumber parties. As a young adult, I found what I’d been looking for in the books Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley, and Out on a Limb by Shirley MacLaine.

My official training began in 1990, when I launched a deep dive into Wicca. I found Starhawk and the Reclaiming Tradition, following that path for years. I attended Diana’s Grove Mystery School and became one of their initiated staff members after a three-year process. I began working with T. Thorn Coyle, finding deep life-changing growth in their books and courses. I began teaching classes at the Crescent Springs metaphysical shop in Kansas City and leading seasonal rituals for the greater community. 

I was chosen as head of Ritual Arts for the Heartland Pagan Festival and led large group rituals at festivals of over 500 attendees for several years. I offered life cycle ceremonies, facilitating weddings, funerals, births, moon cycle ceremonies, and other rites of passage. I worked on staff at the Pagan Spirit Gathering and for all five years of the Fires of Venus festival, offering workshops and rituals for several years while co-leading the Cauldron Tribe. 

I have worked with Laura Wolf and Rima Bonario to offer intensives and retreats focusing on the Divine Feminine. I have presented at the Women of Wisdom Conference in Seattle and gathered with the Sacred Space Conference community in Maryland. Recently, I traveled to Celeste Larsen’s Witchcraft Retreat in Ireland. It  has been a profound blessing to work over the years with folks across the US and the world to deepen and expand each individual path, and seek to positively impact the larger collective.


Robin Murphy is one of the most skilled and experienced priestesses I know. Her knowledge is vast, her experience as a teacher and ritual worker is unparalleled, and her empathy is profound. As a Spiritworker, advisor, and conduit of love, she has few equals. She is also blessed with a healthy dose of good common sense. If you have a chance to work with Robin, grab it with both hands! You’ll learn, grow and love every minute of it.

Dr. Sabrina Marie Chase

Tarot Diviner, Writer, Anthropologist, Guide

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Robin teach in a variety of circumstances, across all kinds of demographics. Whether she is developing young actors and stagehands in a high school setting or teaching through ritual at a festival or leading a group through concepts of Sacred Love at a conference, there is one thing I can say without a doubt: Robin can teach. Her special brand of magic allows her to reach the student where they are—wherever they are. In the over 20 years I’ve worked, taught, and learned with Robin, I have not yet encountered a group she couldn’t reach or a topic she couldn’t teach.

Lezlie Revelle Zucker

Writer, Ritualist, Musician

Robin Murphy is the Head Witch in my life. When I am struggling with the ebbs and flows of life, love, and perimenopause, I turn to Robin.  She helps me soften into compassion for myself, remember the relentless support Mother Gaia offers us, take into account the cosmic energies and where we are in the wheel of the year, and gently invites me back into my power.  Her wisdom and knowledge of ritual ways and living a magical life are hard won and well integrated - not just from decades of study, but truly from decades of applying the principles to the way she navigates everyday life in trust of Great Mystery.  If you are called to live your life more connected to Spirit and your own magic, Robin is one of the most loving, authentic and generous teachers you will find."  

Laura Wolf

Teacher of Feminine Embodiment, Feminine Empowerment and Feminine Creation

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